Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy defines the cues and connection we want to establish with an audience.

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Brand strategy defines the cues and connection we want to establish with a range of stakeholders; including your customers, your staff, and your suppliers. Brand goes so far beyond the visual, it’s a feeling that you get, an emotional response. Having strong brand connection relies on having an effective brand strategy, where purpose is clear and an individual can easily engage.

Whether it’s a personal brand or organisational brand, the skill is in connecting your WHY with the audience/customer, in an authentic way.

I am fascinated by the conflicting nature of brand strategy vs reputation. Where brand strategy is the perfect theory supporting a brands entry in to the world, reputation is what give that brand its great value, or undervalues its being. This constant and conflicting relationship between the two can be a tumultuous one, or glorious, but assured it can be navigated, and even directed. Understanding the relationship between brand and reputation is critical if one is to build great reputational capital and look to secure the long-term health of a brand, whether an individual or an organisation.

It is within brand strategy that the seeds of success are sown.


It's all about the BRAND!

Amplify your personal brand

Personal Brand workshop and coaching

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This half day workshop, coupled with 3x 60 minute coaching session helps individuals identify what success looks like to them, and how they want the world to see them.

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This half day workshop, coupled with 3x 60 minute coaching session helps individuals identify what success looks like to them, and how they want the world to see them.

Everyone has a story to tell, and through Clinton’s 10 step discovery workshop you’ll find clarity around your personal brand journey and how to navigate your way.

By defining your own narrative and discovering how to effectively manage your personal brand, you will have greater success, be more confident in your own self, and be more aware of the market in which you operate.

This program is not for self-absorbed people, but for people who feel they have something to share with the world. Through this process you’ll find great clarity and conviction.


  • Discover your WHY and better articulate your purpose and mission in life.
  • Create a journey-map to follow for success
  • Find great clarity and conviction

Activate your brand

Get everybody onboard!

(ex GST)

Is there a disconnect between your staff and your vision?

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Is there a disconnect between your staff and your vision?

Do you people understand the role they play in bringing your brand to life?‍

Do you feel you need a re-set, to bring everyone back into the camp?

So often I see a disconnect between brand values and how the staff communicate those values; whether it is through customer service, sales in the field or misalignment on the executive team – and this has a significant reputational impact, and effects the bottom line. ‍

In this workshop, your teams will re-discover your purpose, better articulate your value, and find an internal alignment in brand for external communication.


  • Re-Ignite you team’s passion for your brand
  • Create clarity around mission and purpose
  • Create a stronger connection with your customers through a more aligned approach to communicating your brand

Create your brand

Ideation to execution

(ex GST)

Clinton has lead and collaborated on brand and product design across a range of industries.

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Clinton has lead and collaborated on brand and product design across a range of industries.

Talented in ideation and concept creation, Clinton can facilitate creative workshops with key-stakeholders to produce a detailed concept brief for response by a creative design house.

Whether it’s a creative brief, or a communications strategy to support a brand execution, Clinton brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to drive successful outcomes.


  • Facilitated workshop producing a detailed brief
  • Communications strategy to support brand execution
  • Brand activation strategy

"It doesn't cost you anything, until it costsyou everything."

Why would you leave your greatest asset vulnerableor at risk?

Reputation can take a life-time to build and secondsto be torn apart.

It's astounding how many Leaders aren't activelyinvolved in their own reputation strategy, and how so many individuals andorganisations leave their reputation to mercy of external forces or simply tochance.

Personal and organisational brand building creates astrategic narrative that fosters Repetitional Capital, that can be yourgreatest asset when navigating issues.